Inaugural Forum
Beyond Civilizational Clash: The Coalescence of Human Civilizations
Date 日期: 10 & 11 August 2023
Venue 地點: The University of Hong Kong 香港大學
~ Opening Ceremony 開幕式 ~
2:30 pm on 10 Aug 2023 | HKU Rayson Huang Theatre 香港大學黃麗松講堂
~ Music Night 音樂晚會 ~
( FULL 音樂會名額已滿 | Details 詳情)
7:30 pm on 10 Aug 2023 | HKU Rayson Huang Theatre 香港大學黃麗松講堂
Conference 分論壇
Presentations will be conducted in English or Putonghua. The language of the presentation is the first language listed in the abstracts.
The list of panelists, presentation topics/ abstracts, conference schedule, and other details may be changed without prior notice. Please refer to the above webpages for the latest information.